USCG raises awareness on towing vessel’s unsafe condition

The US Coast Guard has published Findings of Concern 009-19, entitled Corrosion Caused Casualties. The purpose of this release is to bring awareness to unsafe conditions discovered during 2018 on a Louisiana towing vessel during a marine casualty investigation.

On September 25, 2018, an Inspected Towing Vessel (ITV), pushing a loaded tank barge, experienced a loss of steering and ran aground.

The marine casualty investigation decided the initiating event to the incident to be the port shaft propeller nut that was wedged into the rudder, which obstructed the free and full movement of the steering gear.

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IIMS London Conference 2019 reviewed

Great venues – Herringham Hall and Regent’s University and 10-11 Carlton House Terrace – none better. Brilliant speaker content on a range of relevant surveying topics on all three days. Meeting old friends and colleagues, networking and reconnecting with old chums and adversaries! Excellent food and the odd beer or two. What’s not to like about an IIMS London Conference? Those who attended have been most kind and wholesome in their praise for the event, which took the best part of a year to plan and deliver.

It would be wrong to single out any one presenter over another and IIMS is truly grateful to the speakers who came to present for the benefit of others! But, for example, Neale Rodrigues (Britannia P&I Club) reminded everyone of the importance of going back to basics and doing the Continue reading “IIMS London Conference 2019 reviewed”

Sunseeker appoints Andrea Frabetti as new CEO

Andrea Frabetti has taken over as Sunseeker International CEO following the resignation of Christian Marti.

Andrea, formerly chief technical officer at Sunseeker, will work with chief financial officer Mike McMillan and chief operations officer Michael Straughan to form a new strategic committee focusing on developing a strategic framework for the business.

The committee will continue to work with the current executive management team of Adrian Powell, Sean Robertson, Barbara Baker (as interim HR director) and Sian Dodds on return from maternity leave, to formalise a more ‘product-facing organisation structure and a Continue reading “Sunseeker appoints Andrea Frabetti as new CEO”

METSTRADE set to get bigger still in 2019

The expansion of the METSTRADE trade show is set to continue say the organisers with almost 1,500 companies already signed up including newcomers Suzuki, Nuova Protex, NOCO and Nautinov.

The SuperYacht Pavilion, which was extended to three halls last year, has already sold out and will host 334 exhibitors including first time participants, Inmarsat, Vedder, Pianeta Gemme and LuminellWhile.

Away from the SuperYacht Pavilion, space has been created on the METSTRADE floor for the 2019 event by removing and combining some show items and areas. In recognition of the success of the MaterialDistrict Pop-up and to enable growth for the Construction Continue reading “METSTRADE set to get bigger still in 2019”

Lack of compliance with procedures and poor maintenance led to fatality

Ireland’s Marine Casualty Investigation Board (MCIB) has published an investigation report on a fatal incident involving the fishing vessel ‘Aisling Patrick’ 15 nm off Broadhaven, Co Mayo, on 10th April 2018. The accident resulted in one fatality. The report highlighted poor training and maintenance, as well as inefficient EPIRB.

On the 10th April, 2018 at approximately 07.00 hrs, the ‘FV Aisling Patrick’ departed from Ballyglass, Co. Mayo, with three persons on board to fish for mackerel between Erris Head and Eagle Island. Around 12.30 hrs the vessel began listing to starboard. The Skipper entered the wheelhouse and the speed was reduced to ascertain the cause of the list. A wave struck the vessel on the port quarter which Continue reading “Lack of compliance with procedures and poor maintenance led to fatality”

CHIRP has published its Maritime Feedback Report 55

The CHIRP Charitable Trust has published Maritime Feedback 55. This second bulletin of 2019 contains reports on engine room heat protection, main engine failures, CBM systems, communications and hours of rest violations.

MFB 55 is currently available online in 3 languages; English, Chinese and Filipino and will soon be available in Portuguese.

The CHIRP Maritime Annual Digest 2018, giving a round-up of reports for 2018 along with insight articles, is also available online here.

A second study in collaboration with UCL Department of Neurosciences is close to completion and will be published in June. This second study focuses on “critical decision making” at sea and is a follow on from CHIRP’s “perception” study of 2018.

The aim of CHIRP is to contribute to the enhancement of aviation safety in the UK and maritime safety worldwide, by providing a totally independent confidential (not anonymous) reporting system for all individuals employed in or associated with these industries.

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Ammonia comes under the spotlight as a potential new low emissions fuel

Ammonia can be safely and effectively applied as a marine fuel to reduce harmful emissions according to new research published by C-Job Naval Architects.

The ground-breaking research uses a new concept design, an ammonia carrier fuelled by its own cargo, to study the concept of using ammonia as a marine fuel and achieve a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in shipping. It shows ammonia can be used as marine fuel if a number of safety measures are included in the design.

Niels de Vries, Lead Naval Architect at C-Job Naval Architects and research lead, said: “Reviewing all ammonia power generation options, Continue reading “Ammonia comes under the spotlight as a potential new low emissions fuel”

DNV GL has published updated bulk cargo liquefaction guidance information

DNV GL Classification society has updated its bulk cargo liquefaction guidelines. Originally published in 2015, the revised guidelines are based on feedback from readers and practical experiences that have arisen historically. The guidelines focus on design and operation of vessels with bulk cargoes that may liquefy.

Specifically, the revised guidelines provide additional material to better describe precautions to be followed during voyages or even the steps to be taken in the possibility of cargo liquefaction.

Continue reading “DNV GL has published updated bulk cargo liquefaction guidance information”

New Allianz review reveals the lowest shipping losses this century

In 2018, the maritime industry saw the number of total shipping losses of vessels over 100GT falling significantly to 46, representing the lowest total this century, said Allianz in its new Shipping and Safety review 2019. To put it into context, there were 207 total losses reported in 2000. Cargo vessels were the ship type involved in a third of losses (15) during 2018.

Key points

Shipping losses declined by a record level of more than 50% year-on-year from 98 in 2017, driven by a significant fall in hotspots around the world and weather-related losses halving after a quieter year of hurricane and typhoon activity.

The 2018 loss year is exceptional compared with the rolling 10-year loss average of 104 (down by 55%).

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RCR urges boat owners to fit bilge filters to stop inland waterways contamination

River Canal Rescue (RCR) is urging boat owners to take action to install bilge filters to stop the contamination of inland waterways through the accidental spilling of fuel and oil.

RCR estimates that more than 120,000 litres of fuel and oil make their way into the waterway system every year, contaminating 120 billion litres of water – the equivalent of the entire UK daily water supply.

RCR operations director, Jay Forman, said, “Boat owners with poorly-maintained bilge areas, no filters or a facility to discharge Continue reading “RCR urges boat owners to fit bilge filters to stop inland waterways contamination”

Attempts to mitigate the impact on the yachting industry caused by Tier III rejected

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has rejected a proposal submitted by Turkey and the International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA) that sought to mitigate the impact on the yachting industry caused by Tier III regulation.

Turkey and ICOMIA proposed an alternative standard for vessels currently covered under a delay provision which expires in 2021. Meeting this standard results in reduced guest cabin space as gas exhaust treatment systems have to be installed.

The consequence of this could render yachts just above the 24m threshold commercially unattractive, a segment that ICOMIA considers Continue reading “Attempts to mitigate the impact on the yachting industry caused by Tier III rejected”

Mis-declared dangerous cargo possible cause of KMTC Hong Kong fire

Photo credit: Reuters

Port Authority Director of Thailand, Kamolsak Phromprayoon, has reported that the fire onboard the ‘KMTC Hong Kong’ containership was due to mis-declared chemical cargoes of calcium hypochlorite and chlorinated paraffin wax.

More than 130 people were transferred to hospital after an explosion and fire onboard the South Korean container ship ‘KMTC Hong Kong’ while berthed in Thailand’s eastern Laem Chabang port.

The port Authority inspected 35 containers at the centre of the blaze and more than half of them contained chemical products.

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