Corrosion nightmare in tanks, and how to mitigate

Corrosion is a concern for tank container owners and operators
Corrosion is a concern for tank container owners and operators

Corrosion is a perennial concern for tank container owners and operators. The stainless steel construction is resistant to staining and corrosion, but may be vulnerable to pitting from certain cargoes or certain cleaning and maintenance operations. Visually minor pitting may conceal development of substantial or even catastrophic corrosion below the surface.

It may be expected that UN Class 8 dangerous cargoes (Corrosive Substances) are the predominant challenge where corrosion of UN portable tanks (tank containers) is concerned, although such commodities are not alone in presenting risk. In terms Continue reading “Corrosion nightmare in tanks, and how to mitigate”

IBM backs new autonomous research vessel for historic transatlantic voyage

IBM joins effort to build an autonomous research vessel
IBM joins effort to build an autonomous research vessel

IBM has announced that it is joining an effort to build an autonomous research vessel for an historic transatlantic crossing. In honour of the fourth centennial of the famous voyage of settlers from England to the Americas, it will be named the Mayflower.

The five-ton, wing sail/solar/diesel powered Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) is designed to make 20 knots on its eastbound voyage. Over the course of the 12-day crossing, it will take water samples for research on ocean microplastics, and its sensors will return data on water temperature and nutrient levels. For navigation Continue reading “IBM backs new autonomous research vessel for historic transatlantic voyage”

Environmental Report for 2019 published by European Sea Ports Organisation

European Sea Ports Organisation publishes its annual Environmental Report
European Sea Ports Organisation publishes its annual Environmental Report

The European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) has released its annual Environmental Report for 2019 indicating that air quality continues to be the top environmental priority of member ports.

The Environmental Report includes over 60 environmental performance benchmarks including figures on green services to shipping (shore-side electricity, LNG and environmentally differentiated port dues) as well as the top 10 environmental priorities of the European ports.

Air quality was followed by energy consumption as priority number two as it is seen Continue reading “Environmental Report for 2019 published by European Sea Ports Organisation”

Gard P&I Club highlights issues with scrubber corrosion and piping failures

Gard P&I Club gives advise to shipowners
Gard P&I Club gives advise to shipowners

In new guidance for shipowners, marine insurer Gard advises its members that the installation of scrubber units must be carefully monitored in order to minimize the risk of premature corrosion and potential piping failure. Additional potential casualties from improper workmanship include the possibility of sparking a fire within the unit during shipyard hot work and the failure of poorly-executed shipyard welds during operation. With these factors in mind, Gard advises shipowners to monitor and evaluate their shipyard’s work to ensure a proper Continue reading “Gard P&I Club highlights issues with scrubber corrosion and piping failures”

LNG shipbuilding boom time ahead. But are we ready for it?

LNG shipbuilding around the corner
LNG shipbuilding around the corner

It has been nearly a decade since the last mega LNG newbuilding program in South Korea was completed. Building forty-five LNG carriers for Qatargas at three major Korean shipyards – Hyundai, Samsung, and Daewoo — had been challenging on many fronts. Several new technologies and systems had to be qualified at the design stage, during plan approval, construction and shop trials and verified during commissioning, gas trials, and sea trials. Anomalies and deficiencies, if left undiscovered, cause rework, costly delays and considerable technical problems after delivery. Fortunately, with a handful of very experienced engineers involved in the QG project from concept to commissioning, it was a job well done in the end, to the Continue reading “LNG shipbuilding boom time ahead. But are we ready for it?”

Safer boating week kicks off in New Zealand after a tragic winter

Safer Boating Week
Safer Boating Week

New Zealand’s annual Safer Boating Week has started in the shadow of a record number of recreational boating deaths during the winter months.

Already, this year 18 people have died in recreational boating accidents, compared to just four in the whole of last year and 12 of this year’s fatalities have been since the end of March.

Leading up to Labour Weekend, the Safer Boating Forum wants to make sure boaties heed the “prep, check, know message” as they start getting ready for Continue reading “Safer boating week kicks off in New Zealand after a tragic winter”

New Australian Mariner’s Handbook now available online

Australian Mariner's Handbook 5th edition now available online
Australian Mariner’s Handbook 5th edition now available online

The Hydrographic Office has published the new Australian Mariner’s Handbook 5th edition for Australian Waters and it is now available online.

Previously known as the Seafarer’s Handbook for Australian Waters, edition five contains a new chapter on interpreting the accuracy of depth information in Electronic Navigational Charts.

The handbook is an official nautical publication, which should be carried on all international and domestic commercial vessels.

It contains important instructions to aid planning and navigation in Australian waters, and information on marine protected areas, pilot Continue reading “New Australian Mariner’s Handbook now available online”

IUMI says Time to take action on container ship fires

IUMI speaks out about container ship fires
IUMI speaks out about container ship fires

The shipping industry has witnessed many fire incidents on container ships this year, some of which have resulted in fatalities and others in significant economic losses. At a recent conference, IUMI took the chance to alert and feedback on the situation and call the shipping industry to improve its onboard firefighting systems and seafarers’ training.

Gard P&I Club organised a conference in Arendal, Norway on 17-18 October 2019. The event attracted many shipping stakeholders, including IMO, flags states, shipowners and insurers. Their aim? To push for more discussions on preventing Continue reading “IUMI says Time to take action on container ship fires”

MCA: Public consultation – Seafarer Safety and Health: Carcinogens and Mutagens

MCA release public consultation
MCA release public consultation

The MCA have released a  public consultation exercise about the amendments to the Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) (Carcinogens and Mutagens) Regulations 2007.

“The changes add to and amend workplace exposure limits on a number of carcinogens. In addition, the Regulations require an employer to continue offering health surveillance where a seafarer or worker has been exposed to a carcinogen and a medical practitioner recommends health surveillance should continue beyond the end of their employment.”

Continue reading “MCA: Public consultation – Seafarer Safety and Health: Carcinogens and Mutagens”

2020 sulphur cap: Authorities plan to discuss enforcement of the cap at three worldwide seminars

2020 sulphur cap
2020 sulphur cap

The 2020 sulphur cap is a significant challenge for the shipping industry. A cooperation between the Danish Maritime Authority and the World Maritime University will bring administrations together to share knowledge on sulphur enforcement in key regions.

On 1 January 2020, the new global sulphur limit will enter into force. The sulphur content of ship fuel must not exceed 0.5 percent after this date. To ensure the full environmental effect of the new regulation, it is essential that the new rules are enforced effectively by all national administrations. Enforcement is also key to Continue reading “2020 sulphur cap: Authorities plan to discuss enforcement of the cap at three worldwide seminars”

Duckweed explosion puts UK waterways diversity under threat

Explosion in duckweed is threatening marine life
Explosion in duckweed is threatening marine life

Waterways maintenance company The Rothen Group has warned that the explosion in duckweed is threatening marine life and is calling for a sustainable solution.

Duckweed causes damage by preventing sunlight from hitting the water and reducing oxygen levels.

According to The Rothen Group, this has damaging consequences for the biodiversity of our waterways, and significantly impacts on their long-term health. To prevent the uncontrolled growth of this invasive species, those tasked with clearing weeds should turn to specialist marine equipment to combat the issue. Continue reading “Duckweed explosion puts UK waterways diversity under threat”

Hybrid SES: First hybrid powered Surface Effect Ship to be used for crew transfer

Hybrid SES
Hybrid SES

CWind has announced a long-term charter contract agreement with Ørsted, delivering by mid 2020, the world’s first hybrid powered Surface Effect Ship (SES) to Borssele 1 and 2 offshore wind farms. The agreement between the world’s leading windfarm operator Ørsted and CWind, part of the Global Marine Group, covers an initial three-year firm charter with options available for a further two years. The Hybrid SES crew transfer vessel will be operating from the Dutch port of Vlissingen, to Borssele 1 and 2, located 23km from the Dutch coast in the North Sea.

The development of the Hybrid SES for use as a crew transfer vessel is in response to an industry-wide push to develop and deploy innovative technologies that reduce Continue reading “Hybrid SES: First hybrid powered Surface Effect Ship to be used for crew transfer”

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