Exciting times at the IIMS

Nepotism is alive and well - my son has recently returned from Trinidad and I am grateful to him for this image! Copyright © Kirk Schwarz
Nepotism is alive and well – my son has recently returned from Trinidad and I am grateful to him for this image! Copyright © Kirk Schwarz

I just wanted to record some random thoughts and comments whilst they are fresh in my mind on what is a very exciting time at the Institute right now. The past few weeks have been extremely busy, yet very rewarding too.

It gave me great pleasure to read the comments from members who were kind enough and took the trouble to send me their thoughts on The Report Magazine March edition. The feedback has been excellent. It was in my opinion one of the best editions of the magazine we have produced to date and I am pleased it went down so well with so many members.

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What a chaotic few weeks

My thanks to Drew Korek for modelling the very latest in IIMS hi-vis jackets!
My thanks to Drew Korek for modelling the very latest in IIMS hi-vis jackets!

It has been a while since I have updated my blog. Quite simply the weeks since Christmas have merged one in to the other. There has been the challenge of settling in two new recruits at head office. I welcome Tania Bernice (CA Administrator) and Hilary Excell (MSA Business Manager) to the team and wish them much success.

We ran another successful Registered Marine Coatings Inspector course in Southampton in January. This programme is gathering momentum. The next course is in Hamburg at the end of April. Then it is on to Genoa in June. The autumn schedule sees the course return to Hamburg, Southampton and Amsterdam in the autumn. So far 36 new RMCI Inspectors have passed the examination. My congratulations to them. And welcome back Peter Morgan – how we have missed you!

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Out with the old; in with the new

iims416So what happened to 2014? It went by like a whirlwind and I find myself shortly to celebrate my first year in office, which I find unthinkable.

Of course at the end of the year it is natural to look back and to assess the highs and the lows and to review the events that shaped the year. Fortunately for me, there have been many more good times than bad times.

So the top ten achievements that the IIMS team has delivered during 2014 (in my opinion) and in no particular order of importance are as follows;

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Out and about

David Lawrence, Controller Lloyds Agents, and Mike Schwarz at the networking event
David Lawrence, Controller Lloyds Agents, and Mike Schwarz at the networking event

Meeting IIMS members face to face is always pleasurable. It seems I can find out much more about what members like, their gripes and even pick up some great ideas when meeting face to face as I go out and about. Somehow email exchanges rarely bring the same result. And so it was when I joined the Small Craft Working Group two day training session at Rosneath west of Glasgow. On the first day I gave a short presentation on head office activities. It was clear that some of what I was saying was news and of interest to them. Yet again I question the true value of email. All of the information had been made available by email, yet not seen by most. My challenge for 2015 is to find other ways to effectively communicate with the membership.

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Variety is the spice of life

IIMS logoWhen I took the role of CEO with the International Institute of Marine Surveying, nothing could have prepared me for the sheer variety of the work. Of course we are engaged in membership services, but then there is the area of our education programme and finally our specialist work as an MCA approved Certifying Authority – each quite different and demanding in their own way.

Last week, the MCA came to our offices for the annual audit, Clearly this was on the back of an indifferent audit in 2013. So it is pleasing to report that we have been given a much improved report and praised for the strides we have made in the past year. Well done to Carol (CA Administrator) and the CA committee for their sterling work.

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So many meetings

Sometimes meetings are a necessary evil. We all know that! But in the past couple of weeks I have been involved in meetings that have not only been pleasurable, but also informative too.

It started with the IIMS strategy meeting with the head office team. We disappeared to a quiet location to talk about how we could improve what we did, the way we deliver it to the membership and so on. We considered the strengths of the organisation as well as the weaknesses, threats and opportunities too. The outcome was that we have a basis on which to produce a strategy later in the year to be implemented for the 2015 year ahead.

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Getting to know my IRMII from my RMCI

Delta-bowIt is holiday time in the UK. Sadly mine has been and gone already! Things have got very quiet generally as IIMS members (and head office staff too) have headed away for their annual breaks. This has allowed me to devote a little time to the activities of the Marine Surveying Academy Ltd (MSA), a wholly owned subsidiary of IIMS that we launched earlier this year.

MSA’s reason for being is primarily to provide training courses for IIMS members and commercial marine based educational opportunities for third party organisations.

For some months now, IIMS has been responsible for marking and handling the examinations for The International Registered Marine Insulation Inspectors course (IRMII for short) as well as providing accreditation for those who have passed. The course is aimed at a highly niche market comprising subsea insulation inspectors and is run, organised and promoted by Wood Group Integrity Management. Around 70 people have now passed and been accredited. Although very specialist in nature, this is an interesting subject. My involvement has been minimal thus far. But that has changed recently when I oversaw the development of a simple IRMII web site. Here we are able to showcase the course and its content, but more importantly it is a place where we can provide a dedicated listing for those who have successfully qualified. This group of specialists now have their own home.

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Let’s talk corrosion

icorr logoLast week I had the pleasure of meeting the President (Trevor Osborne) and President to be (John Fletcher) of The Institute of Corrosion, otherwise known as ICorr. They have splendid offices set in the University buildings overlooking an expanse of green parkland in the UK Midlands industrial town of Northampton, not known for its natural beauty it has to be said! Anyway I digress.

The reason for our meeting was to finalise the basis of our partnership as we prepare to launch and roll out the Registered Marine Coatings Inspector (RMCI) course and education programme, initially aimed at those involved with inspecting coatings for superyachts. This has been a tricky bit of work to get right. The course programme and syllabus has taken far longer than expected to develop and we are behind schedule. ICorr personnel have contributed to the development of the materials. But finally there is light at the end of the tunnel. Also with a vested interest in this project are ICOMIA, SYBAss and paint manufacturer Akzo Nobel.

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There’s a feeling of ‘it’s all new’

I am Mike Schwarz, Chief Executive Officer of the International Institute of Marine Surveying and author of the CEO blog. This is my first post.

It is not my intention to blog on a daily basis  and I certainly do not intend to post too much unnecessary trivia here either. But if there is something I believe to be worth saying, I’ll say it. In essence, I hope my blog will give IIMS members and other interested parties a behind the scenes look at the side of life at the IIMS that one does not normally see or hear about.

So as we start to approach high Summer in the UK, there is a feeling of ‘it’s all new’ today in the office and no, I am not just referring to this blog.

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