AMSA has amended Exemption 06 to provide the domestic commercial vessel (DCV) industry with greater flexibility to temporarily operate if a liferaft is being serviced, repaired or replaced.
Under the new arrangements:
– Vessels can continue to temporarily operate if liferaft numbers are below complement, provided there are sufficient liferafts to accommodate all on board for a voyage;
– The number of persons and liferafts must be recorded in the vessel’s logbook prior to departure, and evidence that the liferaft is being serviced, repaired, or replaced must also be kept on board the vessel;
– If the liferaft is expected to be out of service for more than 14 days the vessel’s safety management system needs to be updated to address these matters.
AMSA said, “You do not need to apply to AMSA to operate under these arrangements. This change will save industry time and money by no longer having to apply to AMSA for an exemption. It will also provide certainty and continuity for DCV owners and operators when a liferaft may no longer be in service.”
Exemption 06 is relevant to owners of domestic commercial vessels who want flexibility as to when their vessel undergoes periodic or load line surveys, or more time to obtain a new certificate of currency for equipment, or to operate their vessel without compass adjustments that would otherwise be required.