The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) announced major changes to its 2025 Survey After Construction of Offshore Rules that became effective 30 January this year.
The new Offshore Rules 2025 consolidated and replaced the MOU, FPI and OI Rules and incorporated mandatory requirements from Facilities Rules.
Survey requirements for Offshore Units can be found in these parts of the OR:
• Part 7A Mobile Offshore Units – Surveys (old MOU Part 7)
• Part 7B Site Specific Units – Ship Type and Other Floating Installations – Surveys (old FPI Part 7)
• Part 7C Site Specific Units – Fixed Installation Units – Surveys (old OI Part 5)
Key changes include:
SURVEY 7-5-1/3.1 and 3.5: Tailshaft Surveys, Survey Requirements
Updated the definitions of “Shaft” and “Tube Shaft” in line with ABS publications.
SURVEY 7-9-45/7.1, 7.3, 7.5 and 7.7: Survey Requirements for additional systems and services, Lifting Appliances
Updated requirements for Annual, Intermediate and Retesting Surveys for Hydraulic Elevators, and add requirement for service engineer in line with current ABS practice.
SURVEY 7-A1-4/35.3 TABLE 3: Additional Information on Hull Thickness Measurement
Updated to include survey requirements for all Conventional Vessels on Aluminum Wastage Allowance.
OR 7A-2-1/11.5: Conditions for Surveys After Construction, Welding and Replacement of Materials, Substitutions and Alterations
Updated to add survey requirements of substitutions and alteration of steel and structural configuration for clarification.
OR 7A-2-4/2.1.3 and 2.1.12: Annual Survey – Hull, Ventilators, Vent Pipes Overboard Discharges on or below Freeboard Deck & Alterations and Position of Load Lines
Added survey requirements for Ventilators, Alterations and Position of Load Lines at each Annual Hull Survey.
OR 7A-2-5/2.9.1: Special Periodical Surveys, All Types of Units – Special Periodical Survey – Hull, Corrosion Control, Corrosion Control Systems
Updated to add survey and reporting requirement for corrosion control incl. repair and renewals.
OR 7A-2-5/9.7.9: Special Periodical Surveys – Machinery, Special Features (All Types), Well-Test Burners
Added survey requirement of Well-test flow burner system for instruction.
OR 7A-2-5/11: Special Periodical Surveys, Thrusters and Dynamic Position Systems
Updated to add survey requirement on Units with PM/CM program for clarification.
OR 7B-3-4/3.1.1/2/3/4/5/6/7: Annual Surveys, Hull, All Units
Added survey instruction on Unit’s fatigue Life and Fire Dampers, Corrosion Control Systems, In Service Inspection Plan (ISIP), Construction Booklet, Operating Manual and Watertight Cable Transits.
OR 7B-3-4/9.9 and 9.11: Annual Surveys, Machinery and Electrical Systems (Marine & Safety Systems)
Added survey requirements of Lifesaving Equipment, Embarkation and Personal Safety Equipment.
OR 7B-3-6/11: Special Periodical Surveys (SPS), Inert Gas and Hydrocarbon Blanket Gas Systems (where installed)
Updated to include additional survey requirement for Inert Gas and Hydrocarbon Blanket Gas System.
OR 7B-3-7/3.5: Drydocking Surveys or Equivalent, Parts to be Examined-Exposed Areas
Added the survey requirement for an external examination of the entire hull structure above the waterline.
OR 7C-2-1/25 and 27: Conditions for Surveys After Construction, In Service Inspection Plan (ISIP) & Structural Critical Inspection Point (SCIP)
Updated to add the survey requirement of ISIP and SCIP defined in the ISIP as a critical inspection area for instruction.
OR 7C-2-3/2: Special Surveys, In Service Inspection Plan
Added survey requirement of ISIP for instruction and emphasize that the ISIP is to be kept updated.
Read the new rules: ABS Rules for Building and Classing Offshore Units (Offshore Rules)