Unit 33. Cargo Damage Claims


When one considers the enormous quantities of cargo, in one form or another, shipped around the world by sea it is perhaps surprising so little of it gets damaged. The variety of different commodities and manufactured goods forming a part of world trade is staggering. Some are more susceptible to damage than others and different types of cargo are susceptible to damage by different causes.

It is a requirement for the cargo surveyor to become acquainted with all types of cargoes, their susceptibility to damage and the likely causes of it, as well as becoming familiar with the ships that carry them.

However, it is recognized that the many different types of cargo make it impractical for all surveyors to become familiar with all types of cargoes, so some specialization is necessary. Only general principles can be considered in this unit, but it is incumbent on the surveyor to become knowledgeable about where specialized information can be obtained.

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By choosing to buy this Unit you are not entering into the full educational programme but you can complete an assignment for this Unit and receive an IIMS Certificate on successful assessment. Further details of this will be sent to you when you make your purchase. If you decide to take the full Educational Course at a later date you may be able to use your successful pass to make up part of your qualification.  Please be reminded that this cost covers one download of a .pdf document, there is NO hard copy. There is no refund available. Please call the Education Team direct if you have any queries: 023 92 313012 or 023 92 313015

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