Small Craft Working Group meets at Grafham Water

IIMS members at the Grafham Water SCWG meeting
IIMS members at the Grafham Water SCWG meeting

The IIMS UK Small Craft Working Group (SCWG) met for one of its regular meetings in early May at Grafham Water Sailing Club near Huntingdon.

The theme of the day was Metals in the Marine Environment. Although attendance was smaller than normal, those who did come to the meeting found the day both absorbing and highly informative too.

Three speakers spoke in detail and at length about their specialist subjects.

Carol Powell has been a consultant metallurgist to the Copper Development Association and Nickel Institute in the UK for over 20 years with particular specialisation in marine applications for copper-nickels, stainless steels and high nickel alloys. Furthermore, she has been a member of the Marine Corrosion Forum and Copper-Nickel Task Force since their inception and is currently deputy chair of the European Federation of Corrosion Marine Working Party.

Jon Sharland, Sales & Marketing Manager and part owner of Tritex NDT Ltd spoke about metal measurement technology, including the ultrasonic thickness gauging market and how to use such equipment effetively. He backed up his spoken words with a practical demonstration of some of the company’s equipment to demonstrate its versatility.

Alan Broomfield, who is an IIMS member and has a wealth of experience as a welder and fabricator with over 10 years experience as a marine surveyor spoke about some of the challenges and what to look for when surveying steel craft.

SCWG Vice Chairman, Elliott Berry, was on hand to welcome IIMS members and guests. At the end of the meeting he thanked all for their involvement.

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