New loading conditions for transporting grain in bulk

The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has released guidance on an update to International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk, which is set to take effect on 1 January 2026.

The IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) adopted resolution MSC.552(108) at its 108th session in May 2024, which includes amendments to the Grain Code.

A new class of loading conditions for special compartments, which are defined as “specially suitable compartment, partly filled in way of the hatch opening, with ends untrimmed” is introduced. This definition refers to a compartment that is not filled to the maximum extent possible in way of the hatch opening but is filled to a level equal with or above the bottom edge of the hatch end beams and has not been trimmed outside the periphery of the hatch opening by the provisions of regulation A /10.4 of the Grain Code. In such compartments, the bulk grain shall be filled to a level equal with or above the bottom edge of the hatch end beams but may be at its natural angle of repose outside the periphery of the hatch opening.

After loading, only the free grain surface in way of the hatch opening shall be level. A compartment may qualify for this classification if it is “specially suitable” as defined in regulation A/2.7 of the Grain Code, in which case dispensation may be granted from trimming the ends of that compartment. Additional amendments in Part B of the Grain Code addressing calculation assumptions have also been made to provide guidance on the assumed slope of the cargo when partly filled in way of the hatch opening with ends untrimmed, for the purpose of determining the assumed volumetric heeling moment. The amendments will enter into force on January 1, 2026. They will apply to both new and existing ships that transport grain in bulk, under the newly defined set of loading conditions, starting from that date.

Key changes:

– Ships that are intended to transport grain under the newly defined class of loading conditions, on or after January 1, 2026, should take into account the following:

– The ships grain loading stability manual shall be updated to meet the amendments of the Grain Code in accordance with resolution MSC.552(108) and submitted to the ships Flag Administration or Recognized Organization (RO) for approval.

– Alternatively, an addendum to the approved grain loading stability manual with the new condition, may be prepared and submitted for approval.

-The grain loading computer, which meets the amendments to the Grain Code, needs to be prepared and submitted for approved by ships Flag Administration or Recognized Organization (RO).

Download the PDF: ABS-Amendments-to-the-Grain-Code.pdf

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