Marine Safety Forum alert about corrosion in a fixed CO2 firefighting system

Marine Safety Forum alert about corrosion in a fixed CO2 firefighting system
Marine Safety Forum alert about corrosion in a fixed CO2 firefighting system

The Marine Safety Forum has issued a safety alert to highlight an observation involving the CO2 firefighting system onboard a member’s vessel. The vessel concerned found that during a routine monthly inspection of the fixed CO2 system, significant corrosion was noted. This resulted in it not being possible to insert the safety pin to isolate the cylinder during any maintenance. Photo A shows the safety lever and pin, unable to be positioned correctly in line with the pinhole.

In Photo B after corrective maintenance and repair, it can clearly be seen that the activator arm, and therefore the safety pin, aligns with the hole and can now be set to isolation for maintenance if required.

What caused this to happen?
It cannot be stressed enough that this critical firefighting system must be maintained and checked correctly and in
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. This is to ensure that it is fit for purpose and always ready to be
activated or isolated correctly for vital maintenance.

The routine, regular maintenance of any safety critical system should be afforded the best attention, care and time as these may, if looked after correctly, save your life. Please show them the proper attention they deserve.

Corrective actions taken and recommendations
– Fire fighting systems, as with all safety critical systems and equipment, must be maintained correctly.
– Vessels should ensure that all maintenance schedules for Safety Critical systems and equipment are detailed sufficiently to enable full operational readiness and that they are aligned with manufacturers recommendations.

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