CHIRP Maritime Feedback edition 66 published

Edition 66 of the CHIRP Maritime Feedback is available
Edition 66 of the CHIRP Maritime Feedback is available

CHIRP Maritime Feedback, an independent and confidential reporting system for the maritime industry, has published its latest ‘Feedback Maritime’ publication (February 2022) to provide lessons learned and raising awareness of safety issues. Among others in this edition, CHIRP Maritime Feedback highlights an accommodation ladder failure whilst the ladder was being recovered after a pilot had boarded and discusses important issues related to maintenance, design and human factors.

In addition, this issue of CHIRP Maritime Feedback demonstrates poor safety standards upon a floating armoury vessel – many issues, both regulatory and good practice are focused upon. There are also reports concerning a near-fatal fall from a quayside, unsafe lifting points for a RIB workboat, touching bottom with associated rudder damage, mooring operations, a near fire, and poor deck design issues.

“Readers will once again notice the very high standard of the reports we are receiving, which is most encouraging. Our reporters seem to be able to overcome the present difficulties of life at sea to produce reports which are full of valuable safety lessons, and we are extremely grateful. Without them, our work would be impossible,” Mr. Adam Parnell, Director of CHIRP Maritime.

Referring to valuable safety lessons that the reports in this edition can provide, Mr. Parnell mentioned the major safety issues emerged. For example, working at heights is pertinent to reports about the maintenance of accommodation ladders, a fall from a vertical ladder, and unsafe lifting points on a workboat. Meanwhile, design issues also feature in reports about accommodation ladders, the deck layout on a log carrier, and poor construction standards. Poor maintenance is also an issue in reports about accommodation ladders, a floating armoury vessel, a gas tanker fire and the log carrier.

At the same time, proper supervision is a matter of concern in reports about the use of inappropriate knots, vertical ladders, the workboat, and a tragic case of a fatality when working with a tug’s messenger line. Navigation and ship handling also feature in reports about a berthing operation that went badly wrong, and about converging vessels in the approaches to a port.

”We repeatedly ask you to consider whether there are procedures in place on your own vessel to prevent the type of incidents described by our reporters, and we hope you will be inspired to suggest improvements if you notice anything which poses a hazard to you or your colleagues.” Mr. Parnell concluded.

Download the publication: CHIRP Maritime February 2022 Safety Bulletin

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