IIMS Certifying Authority training seminar – application and update of the MCA codes


10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

The IIMS Certifying Authority presents the first of its new shorter, targeted online training sessions for UK MCA coding examiners. The seminar is open to all coding examiners from any organisation.

The agenda for Monday 22nd February is as follows (times are UK)

10.00 Fraser Noble
Chairman, IIMS Certifying Authority

Topic: Application of the codes
Fraser will talk through the application of the codes and plans to cover off the following subject areas:
– Class and Flag Surveyors
– CA Surveyors – Authorised by Flag State through MCA and CAs
– 2021 IMO Audit of UK Flag State under IIIs Code
– IMO Audit and Code Surveyors (Common Standards of Competence)
– Vessels – Areas of Operation / Sea Areas
– Differences for Cat 2, Cat 1 and Cat 0
– Watertight Bulkheads – when are they required, what to check, confirm boats match SIBs
– Vessels moving from Cat 2 to 0 or 1 or vice versa
– Equivalent Standards. Use of RCD Standards
– Approving Structure under RCD – under 12 metres LOA
– Approving Structure under RCD – over 12 metres LOA
– Overseas Vessels in UK Waters
– UK Registered Vessels operating Overseas and in EU – Brexit and Cabotage
– UK Code Vessel Certificate – equivalent to UK Loadline Certificate
– Code Surveyors Working in EU post Brexit

11.40 Short break

11.45 Rob Taylor, BEng (Hons) MIMarEST
Code Vessel Lead, UK Technical Services Ship Standards
Maritime & Coastguard Agency

Topic: An update on the rewriting of the MCA codes, in particular the latest on Workboat 3.

12.45 Close

The seminar will be recorded and those attending live will be sent the video after the event. If you cannot make the live broadcast, there is an option to purchase the video for viewing at a later date.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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