MAMBO: world’s first 3D printed fiberglass boat using a thermoset continuous fibre composite material

World’s first 3D printed fiberglass boat
World’s first 3D printed fiberglass boat

Italian start-up, Moi Composites, is unveiling its MAMBO (Motor Additive Manufacturing Boat) at the Genoa Boat Show. The MAMBO is the world’s first real 3D printed fiberglass boat using a thermoset continuous fibre composite material, demonstrating a new, unique shaped boat that cannot be achieved with traditional manufacturing.

At 6.5 metres long by 2.5 metres wide, MAMBO has a dry weight of approximately 800kg, and is equipped with a real navigation system, cork flooring, white leather seats, and a 115 cv engine. The hull is an inverted tricycle inspired by the famous Arcidiavolo by Sonny Levi.

The 3D printed fiberglass boat was digitally crafted in patented 3D printing technology, Continuous Fibre Manufacturing (CFM), developed by Moi Composites.

CFM technology involves the use of robotic machines, capable of depositing continuous fibres impregnated with thermosetting resin in order to create products with optimised performance, starting from a three-dimensional model of the object. According to 3D Printing Media Network, this allows the creation of fibre-reinforced products with mechanical characteristics comparable to those of unidirectional fiberglass, without the aid of models, moulds and other tooling equipment. It is, therefore, possible to obtain not only prototypes but real products in small lots or unique pieces, efficiently and cost-effectively.

“We participated in the Genoa boat show in 2017, and it was during this event that we came up with the idea of making MAMBO,” says Gabriele Natale, CEO and co-founder of Moi Composites. “We saw the project take shape first, then brought it to life, and finally, MAMBO arrived today in the sea. We have 3D printed a boat, enhancing the concept of customisation with a one-of-a-kind design, created and tailored from the owner’s mind.”

Read another article about new technology: Washington Maritime Blue leads joint innovation project to design innovative Mosquito fleet

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