ABS issues ballast water management for yachts guide

A ballast water management for yachts guide is freely available to read
A ballast water management for yachts guide is freely available to read

ABS has published a ballast water management for yachts guide now that they are now required to comply with the IMO International Convention for the Control and management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention) which requires an approved ballast water management system.

As all vessels, yachts are included within the definitions of the BWM Convention according to Article 1.12, whereby a “Ship” means a vessel of any type whatsoever operating in the aquatic environment.

Specifically, the ballast water management for yachts guide highlights that new vessels (keel laying date after September 8, 2017) are required to comply with the D-2 standard at delivery.

On the other hand, for existing yachts (keel laying date before September 8, 2017), compliance with D-2 performance standard depends on the renewal date of the International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) certificate.

In addition, ABS provides recommendations on how to comply. Accordingly:
– Use of an “other method” of ballast water management as per regulation B-3. 7 of the Convention following resolution MEPC.206(62).
– Exemption, as per regulation A-4 of the Convention, following the Guidelines for risk assessment under regulation A-4 (G7).
– Use of ballast water determined by the coastal State as being sourced from the “same location” as the point of discharge (as per regulation A-3.5).
– Use of temporary ballast water management systems (BWMS) may be allowed for the purposes of undertaking voyages outside a specific location as mentioned above, with the relevant approval by the flag Administration.
– Use of permanent or temporary BWMS installed aboard another vessel operating from the same port or locality as a local reception facility, with the approval of the flag Administration and the acceptance of the local coastal State Administration.
– Meeting the regulation D-2 discharge standard through the permanent installation of a Type Approved BWMS.

Download the guide: Ballast Water Management for Yachts Guide

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