LYSCWG Super Training Day


All Day


Bookings closed


Village Hotel Portsmouth
Lakeshore Drive, Portsmouth , PO6 3FR

Event Type

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Large Yacht and Small Craft Working Group training event near Portsmouth

Programme of events (subject to alteration)

09.00 Registration
09.20 Mike Schwarz – IIMS head office update and a preview of the Marine Surveying Accreditation Scheme
10.00 Karen Brain: The number and size of insurance claims is rising. What can surveyors do to prevent this?
11.15 Tea/Coffee break
11.30 Nigel Clegg: Moisture meters and dealing with osmosis
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Keith Chappell: Cyber Prism – A demonstration of why Pen-testing is only part of the solution set by giving practical demonstrations of hacks and breaches that would not be found by penetration testing alone
15.15 Tea/Coffee break
15.30 75 years of marine surveying by Ian Nicolson (pre-recorded)
16.30 Close

To confirm your place please complete the reservation form below. Alternatively you can call the IIMS office on +44 23 9238 5223 and pay by credit or debit card.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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