The consultation which could see the Cowes waterfront totally transformed under plans submitted by The Harrison Trust are now open for consultation.
The planning proposal is as follows:
Hybrid planning application for mixed-use re-development to provide up to 535 residential units and up to 18630 sqm of non-residential floor space and associated new public realm works, landscaping, re-construction of sea wall and new public slipway. Comprised of the following elements:Full planning permission for demolition of existing buildings and partial demolition of J Samuel White building; re-development of Phase 1 at northern end of site comprising construction of 3 building clusters (total of 9 buildings) to provide:1. Up to 256 residential units2. Up to 460 sqm of flexible retail, financial and professional services, food and drink floor space (A1-A4 uses)3. Up to 493 sqm of flexible restaurant or bar floor space (A3/A4 use)4. Up to 1238 sqm of office and flexible workspace (B1 use)5. Up to 689 sqm of flexible retail, financial and professional services, food and drink, office and community use floor space (A1-A4, B1 and D1 uses)6. Up to 242 basement car parking spaces7. Up to 287 cycle parking spacestogether with access, new public routes, piazza and associated landscaping treatment, re-construction of sea wall and refurbishment of former J Samuel White offices and Hammerhead Crane.Outline planning permission for development at the southern end of site to provide:1. Up to 279 residential units2. Up to 631 sqm of flexible retail, financial and professional services, food and drink floor space (A1-A4 uses)3. Up to 616 sqm community/museum use floor space (D1 use)4. Up to 447 sqm Marine Training accommodation (B1 use)5. Up to 14549 sqm of marine industrial space and storage (B2/B8 use)6. Up to 12288 sqm of basement floor space for associated car parking and plant area.together with access, new public routes and associated landscaping treatment, re-construction of sea wall and new public slipway(Revised plans showing changes to Phase 1 Block 2, widening of Admiralty Gate entrance, changes to Phase 2 building parameters plans; update information relating to the level of accommodation, visual montages, heritage assessment and confidential viability information; reduction of residential units from 256 to 253).
The consultation period on the proposed plans for Cowes waterfront formally closes on the 3 November 2017, after which the Isle of Wight will discuss the matter before reaching a decision.