Alpeco delivers high speed refuelling solution for Jurong port

Alpeco, based in the UK, has designed, built and installed two jetty-based high speed dispensing units for refuelling a range of boats including small leisure craft, for Singapore-based CNC Petroleum.

The dispensers refuel vessels with diesel at flow rates of 100 LPM or 500 LPM and were installed on a jetty at Penjuru Terminal, Jurong Port.

Each dispenser is equipped with a single three inch liquid control flow metre and VEGA T electronic register which controls and measures fuel being dispensed via a one-inch or two-inch delivery hose system.

The two VEGA T registers are interfaced with a computer based fuel management system designed to recognise the user ID pin code and vessel number before loading can commence.

Once authorised, the system will automatically select the correct fill rate by switching a valve to direct flow through the one-inch or two-inch delivery hose.

Dispensers are equipped with interlocks which ensure that delivery hoses are correctly stowed after refuelling. Flashing beacons also indicate which hose system has been selected.

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