IIMS Baltimore Conference report

James 'Randy' Renn (right) introducing Eric Black
James ‘Randy’ Renn (right) introducing Eric Black

A group of nearly 30 marine surveyors, mostly non IIMS members, (including some who joined online), gathered for a two day training event and conference at the Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies (MITAGS) in the Linthicum district of Baltimore on 3/4 February 2017.

IIMS would like to thank James ‘Randy’ Renn for organising the event. Not only a great location and facility, but James managed to attract a range of speakers, who delivered some excellent presentations, some of which were highly technical in content and touched on new technologies in some cases.

IIMS CEO, Mike Schwarz, opened proceedings and passed on best wishes from the Management Board and President, Adam Brancher. In his presentation, he spoke about the work of the Institute, particularly the new initiatives that are currently underway and in development.

Rod Sanders gave an overview of the latest range of Cygnus instruments and how they operate. Menno Ligterink talked about the Mastervolt range of batteries and in particular digital Switching, charging and Li On/Iron Batteries.

Mr. John Adey, General Manager of ABYC, spoke knowledgeably about the minefield which is the new RCD-Recreational Craft Directives Compliance legislation.

Capt Andrew Korek, Capt Michael Lloyd and Adam Allan joined the meeting by video conference link to talk about the dangers of working in enclosed spaces, a subject dear to all their hearts.

Mr. David Horst covered the subject of LED lighting fades and Mr. Robert Kochan, a forensic analyst, spoke passionately as he delivered a case study of a large scale marina fire in the US, which led to loss of life and wiped out a fleet of vessels.

Mr. Ken Roberts presented the Rinda Technologies Computer program as a tool for the surveyor and investigators.

Eric Black and his colleagues tackled the subject of  thermal imaging equipment and training, demonstrating some of the latest kit to those present.

Multi fuel outboard systems with on the fly changeover, incorporating the impact of natural gas on the boat sector was the subject of Miguel Guerreiro’s informative and enlightening talk.

Mr. Mike Griffin, a surveyor himself, presented about the range of stray current sensors. He talked about detection of stray current and electrical faults from the pier to pedestal to the ship and on board.

The conference was brought to a close by Dr. Carys Mitchelmore from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. She discussed and gave an explanation of testing, measuring, filtration or treatment of bilge and ballast water.

Eleven videos of the presentations have been made of the event and they will soon be available on a free to view basis via the IIMS web site and also through the IIMS YouTube channel.

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