25th Anniversary Conference and AGM are upon on

August is generally the time for holidays in the UK; but not this year! My colleagues and I are exceedingly busy preparing for the forthcoming 25th Anniversary Conference at London on 31 August and 1 September, which at the time of writing is just 21 days away. By the way, you can book right up until a couple of days before the event. As our slogan for the event says, three iconic venues, one great Conference – and the event is relevant to both small craft as well as commercial surveyors. I had the pleasure of visiting all three venues last week to check and make the final arrangements and I was reminded of the sense of history each of these three venues provides and am delighted with the original choices. Those who choose to attend the various events are in for an interesting and full on couple of days with some great networking opportunities too. Videos will be released after the event of the presentations.

I must remind all members about the Institute’s Annual General Meeting, which takes place in the midst of Conference on 31 August from 14.45 at Regent’s University. There are several matters to be voted on this year, so if you are unable to attend, you are urged to access the postal or proxy voting form by clicking here – the password is Institute – and return to us in the coming days.

I had the pleasure of meeting Sir Alan Massey recently, Chief Executive Officer of the Maritime & Coastguard Agency, who will present the winners with their trophies at the Silver Jubilee Awards for Excellence on first day of Conference. He is an interesting man and I have invited him to conclude the Awards ceremony with a short key note address to delegates.

Happy surveying

Mike Schwarz

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